Dr. Peter Meier
Zürich (Switzerland)

 Reframing Knowledge Work

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Means and Orientation in the Mental Space

What are the best means we have available to express ourselves, the highest qualities humans can access? Plato attributed these qualities in an extraordinary way (rhetoric) to the idea behind things. In Isaiah 8,6 the Bible points us to the path: He shall be called: "in purpose wonderful". In John 14,11-12, Jesus, He who is in purpose wonderful said: "Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father in me; or else accept the evidence of the deeds themselves. In truth, in very truth I tell you, he who has faith in me will do what I am doing; and he will do greater things still because I am going to the Father." Therefore, in all modesty and common sense, APS® is based on the highest qualities of life which humans can believe and relate to, its fulfillment, in order to do justice to the essence and the impact of individual human beings as Creatures of a Creator in his Creation! We call this the C3-attitude that contrasts to the prevail c3-command - communicate - control idea paradigm.

The basic areas to be considered in accessing the above outlined C3-qualities:

  • Rationality based on the social security of using established ways of thinking based on generally accepted denotations comes to mind first. We usually value that aspect of a person's ability first. Because it is reproducible and we feel free to express it without any shame or hindrance, it is socially acceptable and thus amasses meaning in itself. It is the way we call objective, and we imaging we can master things better together, in tune with the collective support.

  • Functionality based on our whole personality comes into play between people after an opening that creates mutual trust. Functionality expresses itself through the whole process of our lives, while rationality manifests itself only through our working for objects based on usually other-determined objectives. Human life requires us to work with objects in relating to creation towards lifefulfillment. Work is unavoidable, it also creates stress and tension, i.e. a need for healing processes!

  • Consciousness: We all can experience a space where we are consciously present and where we are not directly operating out of our work, or out of our physical and psychic life. Our creativity springs from this source aiming at qualifying our being to exist. We are wholly responsible for this space and no excuse or justification in terms of our work or our living conditions apply. In this space we can also allow darkness, hate and misery. On the other hand in this space we can lovingly connect to other beings. Healing, grace and a relationship to God are all possible in this space if we can let them happen and go beyond the stress of our work and our living conditions.

According to Nietzsche "the source of all evil is inadequate knowledge". In fact we all have different areas of rationality, functionality and consciousness as we have different access to a our path, the truth and our life, as well as different tensions, anger and guilt. The same area can be claimed by one person for rational work, object management, while another identifies with it and tries to live in it attempting the corresponding process management. For yet another person it is amply clear that healing is needed in this very same space since it is saturated with non-sustainable discrepancies between rationality and functionality, between power and wisdom...


© Copyright 2008, Dr. Peter Meier, usage other than personal for oneself, requires authorization by the author

Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich, pm@think-systems.ch; ongoing Research&Development since 1979

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