Dr. Peter Meier
Zürich (Switzerland)

 Reframing Knowledge Work

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[World View]




The Basic World-Views

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There are two ways to go about mental transformations, A) to relate more adequately to one's own life and being, or B) to become an intellectual tuned into the spirit of the time and its political correctness towards forced ranking of others, e.g. via money...

In world-view Nr. 1 a person is just re-interpreting the interpretations and virtuality of others, and might try attempting to re-engineer life. The result of this intra-personal point of view at best opens a glance into the chaos the human mind, and is able to create and project beyond it, and at worst, ending up in it!

In world-view Nr. 2 a person relates to reality, i.e. whatever is tangibly present, is interpreted. This inter-personal view results in a world view which is basically composed of the results of communications between entities (persons, organizations, cultures), subjects, about objects, e.g. materialism driven by social Darwinism.

In world-view Nr. 3 a person gets in touch with the basic impact and its cause of what is, God, and the web of substantialities and causalities (laws of nature, life etc.) HE created and which stem from it. The substantiality by which you live yourself and the conscience understanding of that of your fellow creatures as well as the less sustainable, man-made enforced causalities such as law and order is the challenge you are faced in your life.

In world-view Nr. 4 both, the reality of the causes themselves and the reality they create, are considered. This requires a basic discernment of the qualities of the Creator, the Creatures and Creation. APS® has been founded to establish the adequate representation of the qualities of creatures, e.g. real humans.

The later transcendental view is the basis of religion and science, depending on the quality one attributes to the cause. Your choice is between

  • the cold laws of nature and the thus resulting evolution starting with the big bang,

  • the impersonal impact of the trend and  society, or

  • a personal God, Creator of the possibilities for you to fulfill your life

Conventional philosophy based sciences attempt to describe everything as if it had the quality of objects, and with the corresponding personally neutral, denotational language. The result of this assumption when it comes to dealing with real people are humans commanding and controlling each other with hidden agendas, with a simplifying, embellishing, or cursing communication. And that is lacking understanding, thus depriving each other of fulfillment, love and synergy...

APS® is the personally relevant approach to real human individuals and collective  human systems in view of their corresponding lifefulfillment.


© Copyright 2008, Dr. Peter Meier, usage other than personal for oneself, requires authorization by the author

Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich, pm@think-systems.ch; ongoing Research&Development since 1979

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  Appeal - Contents - Introduction - Zeitgeist - Up-to-date (in German)
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