1.1.7 The 9 Functions of Human Systems
Traditional science is concerned
with the application of energy (E) in order to place a specific matter
(M) in a specific location in space (S), say guiding a cruise missile towards
its target undisturbed, putting a marketing concept into the minds of the target group,
which is considered an empty container in which the battle for money takes place, an
appearance which renders people substance in return for the illusion of being
free - for the desired ideology. That would work for "humans" projected
as free subjects, with the universe being seen as a heap of objects
for our free usage. However, this subtly evil image propagated by
philosophy in all science via the humanities and religions, via
theology, is in fact, as Karl Popper has pointed out, the curse of
mankind with which the Bible deals , uniquely in
comparison with all
other books. This curse blinds people to the consequences of such
thinking catastrophes in terms of human
catastrophes! Its aim is to subdue time to the zeitgeist, rather
than God's word, implemented by the substantialities HE created for that
purpose, such as the laws of nature. Ignoring the latter
produces catastrophes ranging from the Titanic, to wrecking the global
environment. This is known; it is less well known that the same applies for each
of respective law of lifefulfillment, the veil of obscurity
around which is being lifted here. To deal with God's order, each human has a sense of P=past,
N=now, present, F=future, and that in terms of i=input,
s=internal state, and o=output. This makes the 64 iso-OEGP more specific
with the 64*3*3*3, or 123=1728 relevant lifefulfillment iso-principles
APS deals with. In the following we focus on the is-aspects, which leave
us with 122=144 is-OEGP; modeling the basic is-attitudes
towards lifefulfillment. They contain the is-functions
F1-9 which every living system requires to sustain itself beyond any
evolutionary process:
Hardware |
Food, Resource |
way the basic 9 functions of every living system and also
technical systems including their users, makes sense in terms of
learning from the past (P), coping with present (N)
and fulfilling one's purpose in the future (F) |
F1(NF) |
Input |
F2(FP) |
Digestion |
F3(PN) |
Output |
Software |
Language, books, IT |
F4(PP) |
Reality Mapping |
F5(FN) |
Entrepreneurship |
F6(NP) |
Controlling |
Lifeware |
conscience |
F7(FF) |
Consulting |
F8(NN) |
Coping |
F9(PF) |
Overview |
In those terms, the OEGP that models me,
becomes 9Pv>EF; from a substantial overview (9) I prepare
(p) processes (P) in view of the future (F) usage of
individuals life energy (E) towards life - through
task-fulfillment in correspondence with their substance - on
lifefulfilling platforms. To achieve that, we now deal with systems
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