Dr. Peter Meier
Zürich (Switzerland)

 Reframing Knowledge Work

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1.1.2 The Bottom-line of publically organized Sciences

Isaac Asimov, biochemist by training, has worked out the bottom line of the ultimate impact of publically organized science on human affairs, as science fiction writer with his three laws of robotics:

§1) A robot (considered an assembly of pre-programmed matter just like our world view with Platonian ideas, tools and concepts) may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

§2) A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings (e.g. within the space allocated to him), except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

§3) A robot must protect its own existence (with the energy available to it) as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law (§1 and §2).

Firstly note, he could not work these laws out within the organized humanities#2, for it is closed on itself, in a trap. In it, as a so-called pre-trans-trap, it is not allowing any story telling, metaphors and personal claims, denounced as ego-trips, beyond it, even if that would transcend its failures! It treats this like a crime, preceding its cultivation. For that reason Asimov's robots existed under the threat of getting their brain burnt, if they even thought beyond §1-3, and for this Jesus Christ was crucified. Secondly writing (doing so) in his awesome SF-books about "galactic history" with such robots of ultimate performance, he realized beyond the humanities#2, the short-comings of §1-3. He thus made his robot Giskard realize that too, and under pain which threatens to burn its positronic brain, follow that necessity as the metacognition §0, through which he then could bypass §1 and §2:  

§0) A robot may not injure a humanity (as abstract concept and necessity for the lifefulfillment of individuals) or, through inaction, allow a humanity to come to harm.

In essence this means that humans can not be responsible for their creations, ideas, tools, concepts, systems up to humanity; its prime creation, robots, have to take the ultimate responsibility for themselves, and humans, in the name of "humanity". All philosophers have come to this conclusion. However, it cannot work out! Whatever people create without their Creator, following Platonian ideas instead, excluding conscience as pointed to here, instead of considering consciousness, following Kant and abolish it as "subjective", ends up in its closeness from substantiality and the inner voice from God, because of its innately self-destructive dynamics. A well-known  example is the Titanic catastrophe 1912, the fall of all past Empires, the last, the "Evil Empire", and now next in line, the "casino capitalism à la USA".

Ignorants such as philosopher and intellectuals begin with the 5th Law of Robotics: "A robot must know it is a robot", and mean every human except themselves, or even and above all themselves, or Nietzsche, even God, e.g. philosophies' ideas of "God", according to themselves (him), dead - in the philosophers pre-trans-traps, sick as a subject of the thus mislead humanity...

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© Copyright 2008, Dr. Peter Meier, usage other than personal for oneself, requires authorization by the author

Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich, pm@think-systems.ch; ongoing Research&Development since 1979

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