Dr. Peter Meier
Zürich (Switzerland)

 Reframing Knowledge Work

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The four faculties of knowledge work...

at-work.gif (1207 bytes)Imagine organizing human work in terms of orientation points to promote and demand life-fulfillment with a coherent set of 1728 OEGP: one of which
does justice to each of us an compare this 3rd faculty of science with what is made available at universities:
  • The first human faculty, the humanities, deals in personally neutral matters and has not made much progress since Plato. It has, however, perfected the art of using life against itself.

  • The second faculty, the content-free natural sciences were under the spell of dogmatism until the Age of Enlightenment. From then on the technological progress has changed the face of the Earth forever but not necessarily for the good.

  • The third, the personally relevant faculty did not rise from theology because of its stronger ties to godless philosophy than to the personally relevant Word of God. It rose in me and is applied in real people, predominantly by 23% as their conscience.

In Australia, at the end of last century, the scientific community turned towards the wisdom of the Aborigines once tagged by it as the most primitive people on Earth fit for extinction. All this proves the point that humans are more than what meets the eye, in this world, yet not of it! And now the time has come to do justice to such basic facts of life; with personally appropriate open-ended generative principles, OEGP that are both didactic and capturing imagination about what human life is and should be all about. And that is where faculty 0 comes in, the art of pointing the attention of those concerned to what is relevant.

By following up on the indicated orientation points, you now have the opportunity to enter into an era of profound change in your relationship to the fundamentals of your life-fulfillment! This way life in this world can still be very exciting, otherwise people end up in fast changing shapeless situations. Otherwise the politically correctness supports only one ever changing absolute, itself and its vehicle, money that buys order. We need to learn to treat that reality with a sense of wry absurdity in order that it may never be totally realized in an artificial time with not great ideas beyond it anymore. At the end of a this self-proclaimed history there would be no great movements anymore except for your creativity between the web of its key words. And that points to the technicality of APS®; using it to parameterize orientation in order to reconcile genuine personal differences. In Switzerland we have four official languages into which all laws have to be translated and made available. In real life there are 144 OEGP on the is-level and 1728 on the iso-level to be considered in order to make TEPOC life-fulfilling in society. The medi-evil world, communism and fascism had one language; their respective dogma and itn brutal enforcement, and they thereby were dead simple. Capitalism has an infinite number of languages, those of its greedy subjects (as in Babel) and thus leads to the trampled path of utmost complexity, chaos; the truth to be followed to life-fulfillment is along that narrow way less trodden hat leads to life-fulfillment. 



© Copyright 2008, Dr. Peter Meier, usage other than personal for oneself, requires authorization by the author

Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich, pm@think-systems.ch; ongoing Research&Development since 1979

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