E-Motional Shortcuts and their
Prize versus Amazing Grace
Confronted with the
unusual, basic symbols of
Personal Science APS®, could you hear the
zeitgeist howling in m=tension in your mind, and fletching
its pre-trans-trapping teeth in A=anger?
You are still here; you have at least partially
overcome those emotions and are now in a state of G=guilt
about having gone along so long with the mainstream zeitgeist
which trapps
people in its jaws. So what happened with the 3*3=12 nicely defined
states of objective, subjective, and encompassing being (p,t,d
a,f,e I,S,O) when the zeitgeist messed YOU up in your
"I" ? Of course you then tried your own
interpretation of your being instead of that we started with,
however, in fact in the way the zeitgeist seduced you to think. Thus you
did not make a
#3-i/#2-i whole of your input, before considering it in your uncorrupted
#3-s/#2-s internal state in view of a
#3-o/#2-o whole output
for which you
can thus take conscious#3 responsibility#2 . Instead you reacted, in a
business as usual manner, to what came to mind:
patched together reactively with
e.g. the a-intuition and f-feeling line, then the
e-ego reaction, with the #2-o p-perception pointed to for a
justification, and then #2-s t-thinking tinkered together with #2-o your
d-doing, to save your face.
In my
MTE-example with 0=Yin, and 1=Yang,
depicted from the bottom
to the top #2-o can be represented as (011
my being X is then distorted to (01=M,
then 1 1=E, and 01=M, together, in the m=MEM-tension,
expressed in its undistorted form as (010
Its further distortion triggered by my A=Anger about the lacking
success, I similarly get (01
11 11) =
In that state, I waste more energy in vain, because the solution is
definitely not there, where I lost myself! That raises my G=guilt about
this waste of life, and distorts MME=(001
111) into (00
11 11) =
And now the miracle of X=grace in of my being can happen, if I am not
yet stuck, condemned in ego-motions trying to force everything with my
primitive resources by m=focusing on my tension, enforcing it with
A=anger coercively, and if all fails, trying something out in my G=guilt with victim
power; poor me. In all instances the 4th emotional distortion
leads back to X= being, e.g. SEE= (011
011) distorts to (01
10 11) =
Thus with your Yin/Yang nervous costume thoroughly shaken on the emotional
roller coaster, you end up basically the same; either fulfilled by
insights, grateful, appreciating the grace of the creator of what
I just model here, or reduced in substance by ungratefulness, insisting
on your way even after a bad experiences, shrinking in substance
to the point of an unfulfilled death.
So hopefully you are now
motivated to do your homework with what has been outlined so far, until
understand the above to put it in the context of your life. You just
need to accept that it all can be precisely modeled beyond any
distortion for hidden agendas (m), obscured in pre-trans-trapping anger
(A), guilt-laden (G), condemned from grace (X). You should now realize
that we are onto something beyond pseudo life science#1, claiming
generalizations about the humanities#2, dwelling in merely esoteric
possibilities#0 or any so-called interdisciplinary cocktail of the three
exclusive publically organized sciences. However, this is no vehicle on
which you can ride beyond your emotions to grace in the same way one can
with a drug#1, an ideology#2 or wishful thinking#0!
It works only
with you getting involved, in touch with your being, e.g.
So get your pen and paper out and do your homework, 1) reproducing
the above for yourself in order to be able to 2) take decisions that
lead you further in life, and enables you 3) to be responsible
for it to your fellow humans.
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