The Willing
Those who have a inclination
towards higher than man-made goals can envisage a point of no return,
and will therefore be open to prepare
a P=process that is aimed at saving them from having to go beyond the point of no
return. That, however, LEADS
TO SELF-DISCOVERY! And implementing it, requires a Pp-quality to
compensate the otherwise unavoidable blockage of the then possible qualitative growth the opponents do not
allow in fear of having to let go of their merely quantitative
aspirations. Both side, however, with some common sense, must agree about having to grow
somehow, for based on history who stagnates will be overcome by the enemy - ultimately.
Should all humans agree to stagnate to have peace, then nature itself will overcome them.
The open question, that beyond a certain point, allows no more procrastination in taking
sides, is, who can outlive who: those with going for more quantity, and those
investing into new qualities? Both sides have irreconcilable arguments that the verdict of
history speaks in their favor, mainly because both attitudes still exist at the cost of
the other. Thus, in view of the obvious stalemate, the relationship between what
otherwise is considered "good"/"right" and
"bad"/"wrong", in a one-track mind, ready to annihilate each other,
may become more important
in terms of sheer survival just as in the Cold War. In consequence we need a human
system science that is congruent on all levels ranging from
real individuals
via their relationships to any group configuration, the resulting organizational
system and
cultures, up to humanity as a whole. And, such the desirable orientation
expected from it, will not simply emerge out of
the chaos in our environment, or in "learning organizations" with
systemically wishful thinking, our in
zeitgeist formatted minds of discussing intellectuals,
suppressing conscience as introduced into
science by Kant in the name of "objectivity", and replacing
substantiality with Platonian ideas pre-trans-trapping
everything else. The then resulting spirit of the
times asks for a personal development towards the depth that does justice to all concerned
in getting ready for the final battle (Armageddon) between quantity and quality.
The wars over the dwindling resources are already fought...
Both sides are now working out the transparency
over their positions so that their objective can
at least be virtually established over the one of their opponent. Thus the
side that identifies with quantity, will globalize its systems for maximum efficiency
in producing the desired quantities, using the available
MKH=manipulation know-how.
Those who rely on quality will search for a quality that can sustain itself beyond fragmentation
a an OK=orientation to be considered
to maintain substantiylity which allow quality.
meaning to
understanding how to overcome the stress
of this conflict between innately different being, it is normal
to seeks protection not in walls, but in
understanding about what can und must be negotiated about. In fact that is how a human system Bw-configures its inner resources
by w=working out the corresponding boundary conditions
(B) it; a majority, and/or those
who are qualified to take responsibility,
can identifies with. |