Dr. Peter Meier
Zürich (Switzerland)

 Reframing Knowledge Work

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3.1) Constant Quarrel among the People

When Moses was 80, God called him back to politics, and Moses argued against it. He feared the war on two fronts, against the Pharaoh, on the one side, and  his people's fear of their suppressors on the other side. Overcoming the former, the Exodus from Egypt become possible after seven plagues. However, for the rest of his life, Moses had to cope with his people' unconsidered arguments, sins, and blunt opposition for example in Kadesch. There in a plebiscite against Moses, people outrageously refused to go on to the Promised Land! In consequence, they all had to wander around in the desert for 40 years, until almost all of those whose minds were conditioned on Egypt's ghost-path, had died.  Moses accepted his task and fulfilled it from one crisis to the next, from one humiliation to the next, from one revolt to the other. In short, assuming a position of creative (K) power (P) to deal with unsatisfactory (3) representation#0 of God's  will, he qualifying himself in this world for lifefulfillment

How could Moses cope with this enmity of the world against his creative (K) approach for definition power (D) in view of the very good (6)  intention of God towards his people? Later on God die it through Jesus, aimed at all human beings of good will. There is only one sensible explanation, Moses was created by the creator to fulfill his life that way!  Any evolutionary explanation falls short of doing justice to personal life history! It can therefore not be called scientific, for the so-called evolution theory is in fact merely based on unproven 42/31-myth and nothing else, as every decent scientist would have to confirm. But why all this hassle, all the corresponding stress, pain, bloodshed and waste of lives? Some like Nietzsche think it is because God is dead, or like so-called Atheists, because he never existed in the first place. Others think Old Testament like, that all this is God's punishment for our sins and ignorance, or in the New Testament way, that we are in  a divine selection process between chaff and corn. And that should continue up to Apocalypse, and God's Judgment.

The fact upon which this book is based without any hidden agenda is, that there is God created substance behind all entities. So behind nature, there are the laws of nature, which when ignored, lead to catastrophes, like those of  the Titanic 1912, the Space Shuttle Disasters, and continuing up to the ongoing global climate catastrophe. This book is about the nonetheless relevant laws of lifefulfillment, which govern the substance of every real human system. It is presumptuous to argue why God arranged our lifefulfillment that way! Humans cannot come up with a more desirable alternative which would be needed to overwrite all of God's created laws; a crazy Platonian idea! In fact Karl Popper showed that not letting go of that madness is the curse of mankind. And yet God obviously wants us to understand and overcome human madness, and only with this perspective does life after death make sense. Since God does not throw dice as Einstein concluded, but is a God of order, HE will never bow to our ideas and provocations to fit his Creation and Creature to our simple minds. Why should he thus become a man-made god? But that does not hinder science creating rats which can be remote controlled in view of one day doing the same with people. That humanity has already raped the planet and the people, is a thought provoking fact which requires the kind of 9Pp-reframing of science envisaged here..

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© Copyright 2008, Dr. Peter Meier, usage other than personal for oneself, requires authorization by the author

Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich, pm@think-systems.ch; ongoing Research&Development since 1979

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