The publicly organized science#1 of nature
addresses the desirable
quantities. It
is instrumentalized by the seemingly
mass-attractive humanities#2, e.g.
politics. When politicians come to their wits end, they resort to the
artists#0 with
more convincing
forms and rhetoric
in order to infotain
the masses
with their
This has resulted in the evolving (E) of
the bloody history we know with
its occasional creativity (C).
In order to keep a general
focus, systems are required, e.g. people who design (d) them, and
others, who rule (r) with them, and system wardens to serve
and embelish them, and those
to be ruled. Physical systems,
wordy and convincing systems
are closed. e.g. self-destructive
individual living systems;
switched-on, rather than ideologically
bewitched people can give
to their resources,
and perform with
Exchange of Project-Oriented Competence, and
if necessary, reframe
their operation in time, before the point of no return from their
In short, beyond systems, a
CNP critical number of people are necessary
to use
their D-definition power to update too systemic,
e.g. tricky systems in time. And then their position power
(P) is needed to make the redesign physically possible - say against
obsessed with the general thinking-catastrophes -
with a reframing,
before it all turn into human catastrophes. Attempting this in society has
consequences, ranging from very bad (1) to bad (2)
unsatisfactory (3) satisfactory (4) good (5), and
very good (6).
Being able to give meaning to them
and handle them, is the mark of switched on people.
Misusing them to scapegoat others, put them down or throwing out the baby with
the bathwater, is the mark of people who have sold their soul short. They
play pragmatically with systems, and obscure their bluff, becoming systemic, unwilling
to learn, impotent to
understand, examples of trend riding opportunists.